SENATOR leverages Ardor blockchain for urban planning

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The Smart Network Operator Platform enabling Shared, Integrated and more Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics (SENATOR) is leveraging the Ardor, a blockchain, for urban planning policies to design sustainable last-mile operations, latest reports on July 20 shows.
SENATOR and urban planning policies
SENATOR is funded by the European Commission and leverages blockchain technology in urban planning policies. Its main objective is to design decentralized and transparent last-mile operations, focusing on sustainability and security. Coordinated by Correos, an international consortium is managing the affairs of the SENATOR project, the platform aims to create a smart network operator integrated with an advanced urban freight logistics system, with a primary focus on optimizing freight delivery services in urban areas. 

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By reducing the distance and number of freight delivery routes within cities, SENATOR aims to enhance real-time information gathering, planning, and predictions for critical sections of its operation.
SENATOR plans to incorporate a digital identity solution known as SENATOR ID, catering to individual users and entities, including internet-of-things (IoT) objects and vehicles. This approach allows SENATOR to address a various present and future use cases and challenges, enhancing its adaptability and utility.
The project’s real-world application is scheduled for testing in two cities, Zaragoza in Spain and Dublin in Ireland. These cities have Urban Living Labs, offering suitable testing environments for SENATOR’s approach. 
Users will access the SENATOR platform and its services through a user-friendly application, while third-party platforms and developers can utilize the project’s solutions through a native API, encouraging greater adoption and integration.
SENATOR collaborates with Ardor and Jelurida
SENATOR’s collaboration with Ardor blockchain and Jelurida, the blockchain development company responsible for Ardor, enables its innovative functionalities. 
Ardor is a multichain blockchain platform featuring a parent-chain, child-chain architecture. As the parent chain, Ardor provides the required security and functionality for the interoperable child chain to access, offering the flexibility needed for real-world applications. 

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The technology stack of Ardor also facilitates bridging to other blockchains, enhancing interoperability and making it a suitable choice to power SENATOR’s decentralized operations.
Moreover, Ardor’s blockchain allows for the traceability of transactions, enabling the tracking of crucial operations like freight interchanges between different logistic operators and cold chain variables.
During SENATOR’s proof-of-concept phase, one SENATOR Ardor Node would access the public Ardor blockchain and its central database. This approach ensures scalability and high throughput, guaranteeing constant optimal operations.

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